Tuesday, August 09, 2005

didn't have to use my AK...

If my math is right this is day 14 of practice in a row (save moon days and Saturdays) and I'm feeling rather in my groove. This morning's practice was great! I worked through to Bhujapidasana and almost pulled it off. I crumbled on the attempted jump back. I tried it again with Matthew's encouragement and did worse the second time, but no biggie. The important thing is that I felt great through the practice and until the very last was focused and moving close to tristana. You know it's good when you're walking out of the studio and thinking about how great it's going to be to get back to your mat tomorrow.

Hmm, what else? Matthew gave an adjustment in Parsarita Padottanasana C that got my hands to the floor. I felt a great shoulder release on that one. Of couse, I hung for a second after he let up on me and tried to focus and get the hands back to the floor, but no go. Inhale, and on to the next...

Purvottanasana is giving me a bit of grief and Parivritta Parsvakonasana is simply different everyday. Some days my hand is almost flat to the mat and others I am simply touching fingers and praying not to fall over.

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