Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ashtanga NY - 21

Puck Building, watching the second series and writing. Post first day of practice with Guruji. It was quite wonderful. I began the morning at 4:20 as the alarm went off. I went to sleep around 9:30 - so I got a good nights worth though I did wake up a few times due to unfamiliar sounds. I woke and immediately got ready the way I do at home, cleansing and then the puja to Ganesha. I bought a picture of ganesh to take the place of my shrine at home. I packed and left the building walking about 10 minutes to the Puck. I'm not sure what time I got to the building, but there were only a few people there. I was greeted by J, one of the other students from the loft who is assisting with organization of the event. I set up in the 3rd row of mats. Guruji came and stood on my mat a few times. Sharath stayed to the back of the room and Saraswati stayed to the right side of the room. Though I didn't get any adjustments I benefited greatly from the subtle energy of the room. One of my mat neighbors, a woman from Long Island, spoke with me quite a bit prior to the start of practice. I also spoke with the others from the loft.

Practice began when Guruji and family walked into the room. The chant was phenomenal! So very powerful, not that is isn't always, but having Guruji right there leading was quite different. I decided right then and there that I would simply practice as I practice every morning - and I did. My Parivritta Parsvakonasana was better than usual with my whole hand practically connecting to the floor. Nothing else really stood out until Garba Pindasana, when I had to fudge the spin a bit by removing one of my arms. It was close quarters for everything else. I did manage kukkutasana properly once I got turned around the right way. I do have trouble with that jump back from Pinsdasana! I did get sweaty enough to throw my feet back through my arms a few times. The close quarters made the Konasanas tough and one of my neighbors was projecting quite and attitude. At one point she picked up my towel, which had touched her mat, and threw it towards me. Not a big deal, but I think its best to keep a positive attitude in situations like that. Setu was skipped all together, though I prepped for it my knee was not fond of going up so I just stayed down, maybe tomorrow. I did charasana, managing to miss the pole behind me, but didn't keep my legs straight (of course). I was unable to keep my fold in Sirsasana and simply went down.

everything else with finishing went well save the bind in Baddha Pindasana. And then, of course, nightmare of nightmares (not seriously, but...) I look up and see Guruji standing there looking down at me from the top of my mat in Utplutih! He must have kept us up for close to 20 counts. ("nine, nine, nine, bad lady, bad man, one more, nine, nine...") I was well aware he would do this but I didn't think he'd be standing on my mat! Luckily he moved on and I didn't get a "bad man." I kept trying until I could try no more and whew... Let's just say tomorrow will be rough due to the work today. I attempted to lay in Sivasana for as long as possible but everyone around me simply jumped right up. (That's not a judgment, simply and observation.) I always look to Sivasana to "settle in" the energy of the practice and for the body to learn or integrate it. I did not go up for the MASSIVE line to meet Guruji but plan to tomorrow and the other days I am here. I need to buy a camera so I can get a picture with w/ Guruji at some point.

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