Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Zoë's Art and More New Music

A couple of years ago my dear friends John and Amy brought forth the Über baby and named her Zoë. Now, I’m not around kids much so I’m not the best judge but Zoë’s a complete and total angel who appears to have none of the defects that most of little humans I’ve seen running around do. Last week I was privileged to talk with Zoë on the phone for the first time and though I didn’t understand the flow of her words, her emotion and tone really got across the importance of what she was conveying. Calling me Uncle Gregg and saying “OK bye bye, I wuv you” nearly ripped my heart strings out as well. Gush!

Anyway, Amy just sent me this photo with a note that Zoë said she made this for me.

I swear she’s going to single handedly break down all my concerns over having kids. I think she’s on a mission or something!

OK, enough gushy baby crap! :)

More Music:

Sophie Rimheden Can You Save Me? This 3 track promo release features Annika Holmberg's vocals. Though it strikes a departure from Sophie's glitch mad production I'm still hooked on this Swedish stuff. There are 3 versions of Can You Save Me? here. One is a standard Radio Edit, clear cut dance pop, the second is more danceable remix by Mont Ventoux, and the third is a brilliant little acoustic version that takes the cake. In addition to the songs themselves this release has given me a little glimpse into the scene in Stockholm and Annika's other projects.

Belle and Sebastian The Life Pursuit Though is one has been hailed as their best work yet it's growing on me pretty slowly. There are some automatic hooks like Act Of The Apostle II, We Are The Sleepyheads and Sukie In The Graveyard that brought me straight into the fold. But then again, we've got that 70's thang going on here that simply pulls me by the hair at this point. There's a more blatant groove brought forth here than on Dear Catastrophe Waitress. I am seriously reminded of the late manifestations of Felt while this one is playing and wonder what Lawrence thinks about this release. I could go on about the Motown feel as well, but I need to let it settle in a bit more before I dissect it completely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you liked "Can You Save Me? and Annika Holmberg singing/song writing you should check out Annikas and Sophies newest release "My Madness". myspace.com/rimhedenholmberg is the place to start.
Music friend in Sweden