Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sick Sick Sick & new tunes

Ok, somethings got to give here. I woke at 4:30 when the alarm went off and couldn't breathe or swallow and just felt bloody bad. I laid there and worked on shifting my perspective but just couldn't get my head around my body. I let go of morning practice and feel back towards sleep. I absolutely loath not getting up but my body obviously needs more down time than I am giving it. I'll catch a short practice in the afternoon or early evening at IMI.

I woke again around 6:30 and broke out the neti pot. I can't bear to describe the horrors that came out of my sinuses. Suffice to say I've got a massive infection. I've got to get this immune system back up and working at full steam! I've been taking Grapefruit Seed Extract, Ester C and eating a ton of fruit but nothing seems to be kicking it. I know, I know... more sleep will do the trick.

Nuff bitchin though, on to new music.

I picked up my first round of new releases since returning home. Right now I'm processing:

Jason Collett Idol's of Exile This is Jason Collett's (of Broken Social Scene fame) 2nd solo outing. There are many guests including Amy and Evan from Stars and Emily from Metric. So far I'm diggin' it. It has a 70's high steppin' feel to it which works for me with this damn hair.

John Yoko Papa Was A Rodeo/Morning Paper Lali Puna’s Valerie Trebeljahr and Markus Acher's first release outside of Lali Puna. A Magnetic Feilds cover with a Smog cover on the B. Both are minimal and enjoyable but not as ear tweaking as I would have liked.

Mikael Stavostrand Mosquito Morpher 3 minimal brain grinding dance tracks that only a select few can dance to. I absolutely love everything that Mikael puts out. This release has been playing on repeat since I threw it on my ipod.

More music will come forth in the next post. I'm off to Rowlands for a latte fix.

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