Wednesday, January 04, 2006

this bodes well, all the way 'round

From Rob Brezsny, my fave astrologer. I'll never shoot the bird. :)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A few weeks ago a group of people in
the Netherlands reserved a large hall in hopes of breaking the world
record for falling dominoes. Their goal was to set up and then topple
4,321,000 of the rectangular black tiles. While they were working, a
sparrow flew in an open window and accidentally knocked over 23,000
pieces. It was only a temporary setback, however. The record-seekers
restored the prematurely fallen pieces and ultimately achieved their goal. I
predict that this vignette will have a metaphorical similarity to your
destiny in 2006. If you assign yourself an epic yet fun goal (which I hope
you will), you'll probably experience an unforeseen interruption, but will
prevail in the end. (P.S. Don't do anything like what the Dutch people did,
which was shoot the bird.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Stage magician David Copperfield made an
intriguing announcement recently. He told the German magazine *Galore*
that in his next show, he will use magic to make a woman pregnant--
without touching her. That's similar to the kind of mojo you will possess in
2006, Capricorn. It's true that your success in the past has usually come
from your pragmatic intelligence, organizational ability, and thoroughness.
But in the coming months you will also have a talent for conjuring
beautiful illusions that ultimately become very real.

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