Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Second day of fasting

Here we are in day two of my fall fast and I’ve got to say it’s been a bit rough so far. Sunday, I did the 108 Sun Salutations for Katrina Victims and it was more work than I expected it to be. Thankfully, I kicked a bunch of toxins out of my system with those so my reaction to the fast has not been as rough as it could have been. But still, I’m feeling it. It really kicked in last night after I taught my 6:30 class at MYC. About half way through the class I began to notice a slight headache. It grew from that to the worst headache I’ve had since I stopped drinking. I went home and headed straight to bed.

My consumption yesterday was 8 oz. of OJ in the morning, a tomato juice and a mixed greens juice for lunch and about 8 oz of grapefruit juice in the evening. I also had a few cups of yogi tea with honey throughout the day and drank a ton of water.

I’m going to cut back a bit on the juice today and stick to water with lemon and honey. I’ll probably have a juice while I’m teaching at IMI tonight. The 6 – 11 class is rough when I’m fully energized so I probably need a slight pick me up (i.e. a little caloric booster) to get me through.

I’m going to keep the water/juice fast up as long as I can. Probably till Friday. That’ll be a good five days to clean out. Then I’ll start to eat steamed veggies and light fruit until the full moon on the 17th. On the 17th I’ll add mung beans and rice to my diet and eat that exclusively until the 22.

This is quite minimal compared to my spring new moon fast that lasted for 40 days. But, for whatever reasons this one is starting up slightly more rough than the spring. I think that it has everything to do with the coming of winter and the body’s desire to bulk up and hibernate rather than shed and purge. We shall see.

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