Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Free Will Astrology

Yes, I know, it's been a long time since a post. We have been busier than ever before at the Lab with some wonderful spiritual and material avenues being opened up before us. More on that soon!

Oh, here's a bit. If you have yet to read it, please take in this week's Healthy Detroit. It was a blast to do and to write!

In Health, Joy and Liberation,

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): This would be a perfect time for you to write your
ultimate personal manifesto. I'm talking about composing a sweeping
statement of the core ideas that fuel your lust for life. To get you in the
mood, take a look at the following lyrics from Danny Schmidt's song
"Company of Friends." "I believe in restless hunger . . . I believe in private
thunder . . . I believe in inspiration . . . I believe in slow creation . . . I
believe in lips on ears . . . I believe in being wrong . . . I believe in
contradiction . . . I believe in living smitten . . . I believe our book is
written by our company of friends."

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This would be a good week for you to
compete in a flamethrower competition. You'd probably win. Why?
Because according to my analysis of the astrological omens, you currently
have an unprecedented knack for playing with fire. You would most likely
also be victorious in a marshmallow-roasting contest or a jump-over-the-
bonfire tournament. And you would probably do surprisingly well in any
activity that might be described as "sitting in the hot seat."

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): "The great theme is not Romeo and
Juliet," said poet Anne Sexton. "The great theme we all share is that of
becoming ourselves, of overcoming our father and mother, of assuming
our identities somehow." This is certainly your great theme, Capricorn.
And it's especially important for you to devote yourself to it now. You're
at a turning point in your life-long transformation. You're being presented
with a clear-cut choice between sinking back into the ill-fitting yet
comfortable mold that others have shaped for you, or else striding out
into the frontier in a brave push to become a higher, deeper, more
complete version of yourself.

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