Thursday, July 28, 2005

finding balance

Last night, I observed Liz's flow class at MYC. I think I am ready for teaching. I'm writing out a few sample sessions and will share them with Liz prior to next Wenesday. If she gives me the thumbs up I'll jump in. If I pick up teaching this class every Wednesday I'll have my teaching contact hours in for the RYT fairly quickly. I need to document and finish up everything for the RYT by the end of October so I can submit it within a couple of months of their cut off for the independent study certification.

Liz and I met for an hour before class and discussed many things. Her students celebrated her on Monday by giving her a plaque and posting large banners throughout the studio with notes of appreciation for how she has enhanced their life and practice. It was inspirational! She has a real gift for helping people in a very non-invasive way. I know that my path has become better lit since meeting Liz and that she continues to challenge me and support me on a daily basis. I couldn't ask for a better mentor or friend.

After class I went home to meet a new massage client and had a great session. I left the session feeling as though I had truly assisted someone who needed it. I guess that is the goal, with bodywork and with yoga, to share the gifts that I have with the intent to assist the person on the mat or the table as I am able. If I keep that as the focus I feel that I will be successful in any of my undertakings.

I state these obvious things in light of recent internal dialogs. The most audible dialog is about balancing my practice of Ashtanga with teaching other forms of yoga. Then there is the secondary discussion on the apparent discontinuity between what the yoga community in Detroit says and what it does. Yesterday, as I spoke with Liz's sub here at CPWR, I was told it would be nice to practice at the Loft but that it was too expensive. This struck a cord in me as I was just pondering how it appeared that the folks I practice with at the loft are rather well to do. Of course, if I dissect that more I find that it is simply not the case and that the people there are quite diverse, on all levels. I don't know, its just odd that there is a disconnect between yogis based on where they practice and that there seems to be an underlying competitive edge in the community. I won't even get started on the issues between Namaste and HOY, but will say that the problems seem reminiscent of some I experienced many years ago... in high school. :)

It is about this point in the dialog when I fly back to the initial though here: The goal, with bodywork and with yoga, is to share the gifts that I have with the intent to assist the person on the mat or the table. Yeah, that is it.

Practice this morning? you betcha. (#5) It was a good one this morning as it was quite cool out and I actually wore a jacket and rushed into the Loft looking to get warm and get going. Matthew as pretty attentive to me this morning giving adjustments in Utkatasana and great adjustments on both sides of Marichyasana A. Keeping my foot in line with the outside of the mat and out away from the sit bones is essential to the forward fold. Bhujapidasana felt a bit different today. I almost was able to move my feet through and bring my forehead to the floor.

A note for next week: I need to reintegrated Urdhva Dhanurasana into my daily practice as I have lost the strength to do it properly. Sunday at the loft that's going to be added.

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